Sharissa Charlie and Kim Smith are two RISE Ventures clients in Kowanyama, Far North QLD. Both ladies had been CDP clients with us for nearly 2-years and in February 2024,…
The Kowanyama Family Fun Day saw all of the community come together and bring joy to the faces of the children. RISE Ventures Kowanyama organised the day…
Rise Ventures has been busy helping the community of Kowanyama during the tough times of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 virus. The team with the help of Supervisor Alvina Tent,…
Our local Kowanyama artists attended the Kowanyama Art and Cultural Project sponsored by RISE and managed by Tania Major Consulting. The project carries on the vision of studying and celebrating…
The Rise Kowanyama Arts and Culture program participants are currently in Cairns this week as the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF) kicks off their virtual program. It’s the first time…
Over the last three years RISE has been invited to collect Mangoes from the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade – Katherine Research Station.This year RISE along with Nyirrunggulung-RISE have…
Rise Ventures Pormpuraaw hosted a barbeque so our community members could meet potential employers from Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council and Pormpuraaw Paanthu Aboriginal Corporation.
The Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme (AACAP) has commenced work in the Pormpuraaw region, starting with building an Independent Living Facility and Men’s Shed.