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RISE Ventures

Engage. Support. Encourage. Grow.

RISE Ventures is a for purpose organisation committed to empowering the people and communities where we work.

Our mission is to create place-based, co-operative solutions that contribute to self-determined, sustainable communities in remote Australia.

RISE Ventures works in four key areas

Employment & Training

Training, qualifications and local, sustainable employment.

Community Projects

Community maintenance and infrastructure, cultural wellbeing, horticulture and events.

Small Business Development

Community businesses, developing co-operatives and supporting sole traders.

Indigenous Youth Coaches

Empowering Indigenous youth to reach their potential and become leaders in their community.


Find out about our programs.

Get to know the communities we work in

Our local teams work in Pormpuraaw and Kowanyama in Cape York, and Katherine and surrounds in the Northern Territory.  We also have an Indigenous Youth Oasis and support services in Cairns.

Our partners

Foundational to our work are the strong partnerships we have with Councils, Aboriginal Associations and community organisations.

Our partners include Kalano Community Association, Jawoyn Association, Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council and the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council

Our Impact


Clients being supported by our team


Clients successfully employed


Clients contributing to community projects

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