Kowanyama Bakery

RISE Ventures Celebrates the Opening of the Kowanyama Bakery!

June 06, 2024

  RISE Ventures Celebrates the Opening of the Kowanyama Bakery!   Wednesday 29 June was a day of celebration for the Kowanyama community with the official re-opening of the Kowanyama Bakery!   This venture is not just about delicious breads and pastries; it signifies a significant step towards economic development and improved health for community residents.  The…

Community Pride Newsletter

Success Stories – Community Pride

July 26, 2023

Read our latest aspirant success stories, with a spotlight on Community Pride.                  Working in community means being part of the community. An important part of our work is what we call Community Pride. This encompasses community events, clean-ups and grounds keeping, art and cultural programs, and wellbeing…

Janice Scrutton

Janice Scrutton has found her happy place with RISE Ventures Katherine!

June 20, 2023

  Janice Scrutton is a 59-year-old First Nations woman who has been a CDP participant since 2015, and lived in Katherine since 2016. She previously lived in Alice Springs, where she brought up her family and worked for Ayiparinya Hostel as a general hand, gaining cleaning and food preparation skills. Janice had always been proactive…

Community Pride

A Slam Dunk For Local Katherine Youth With Hoops 4 Health

June 06, 2023

Over the past three months, youth in Katherine and Kybrook have been ballin’! RISE Ventures brought Hoops 4 Health and their basketball superstars to run 15 sessions in community in April, May and June.   The first Indigenious Australia NBA player Nathan Jawai, alongside Darwin Jets players Kylie Duggin and Sam Rioli, coached all the sessions….

In-Work Support

Success Stories – In-Work Support for Newly Employed Aspirants

April 28, 2023

               The RISE Ventures teams in Katherine, Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw have been implementing the Trialling Pathways to Real Jobs (TPRJ) program in their communities. An important part of our service to aspirants is In-Work Support which includes helping them settle in, regular check-ins, providing equipment they may need and…

Excavator, Roller, and Loader Training

Kowanyama Aspirants Enthusiastically Complete Excavator, Roller, and Loader Training with Jenagar

April 27, 2023

  In Kowanyama, Aspirants eagerly turned up for an Excavator, Roller and Loader Training with Jenagar Pty Ltd.   We had 19 locals arrive on the first day ready to undertake theory training which they completed together.                 Once theory was complete, it was all systems go for…

Success Stories – Trialling Pathways To Real Jobs

March 29, 2023

  Trialling Pathways to Real Jobs (TPRJ) is a Community Development Program (CDP) initiative driven by the National Indigenous Australians Agency to provide real jobs, proper wages and decent conditions to First Nations people across Australia. TPRJ gives providers the opportunity to trial new approaches to securing jobs, receiving training, increasing engagement and supporting the…

Kowanyama March Update

Kowanyama Community Update

March 22, 2023

Here’s your Kowanyama community update for March! We’ve been busy this month! Get an update on our Men’s and Women’s Meeting Places, Youth Grove and Digital Hub.   We’re also celebrating 13 community members who are transitioning into employment with the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council. Congratulations – the team is proud of you!    Men’s…