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Mentoring Youth and Enhancing the Pormpuraaw Community

By April 12, 2024November 20th, 2024No Comments
Pormpuraaw Land & Sea

The Pormpuraaw Land & Sea Project is a small but mighty team doing great things for their community.  

Made up of RISE Supervisors and eager clients, they are a men’s group in action.  

Their mission? To restore, beautify and maintain the outdoor spaces in their community and help locals along the way.  

Read on for some of the projects they’ve worked on in April. 

Youth Mentoring alongside Cemetery Care 

It was wonderful to see two generations coming together to positively impact the Pormpuraaw Community and care for the cemetery! 

Our Pormpuraaw team have been focusing on engaging with local youth and McLean Edwards is a young man who has really stepped up.  

He decided he would like to join our Land & Sea Project which includes cemetery maintenance. 

While being mentored by Elder Employees and Supervisors, McLean is also learning new skills that are directly transferrable to emerging vacancies in Pormpuraaw.  

We’re so impressed with his progress and commitment!  

Jaden Learns Groundskeeping Skills 

Alongside tidying up the community, the Pormpuraaw Land & Sea Project Team also welcomed another new member, Jaden!  

Their goal for the week was cleaning up the town and disposing of unwanted items for residents.  

Not only does this mean less junk around town, it also allows the team to mow lawns and give others pride in their yards. 

Once they’d cleaned up and been to the dump, the guys got the mower out and gave the lawns around the office a fresh trim! 

This is where Jaden joined the crew and started learning new skills that help him to be job ready in the future.  

Jaden also made the most of the IDLU being in town this week and got his licensing tasks sorted!  

Pormpuraaw Land & Sea

Land, Sea and Beyond…

With more young people joining RISE Ventures each week, we know our Land & Sea Project team will go from strength to strength.  

Working on projects in the community upskills the youth for future employment, builds stronger community relationships and connects Elders with young people to mentor.