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‘Working It’ – Joint Employment Strategy – Pormpuraaw

By May 24, 2017December 1st, 2017No Comments

24 May 2017 – RISE Ventures

RISE Ventures and Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council (PASC) Jewel of the Cape’ have kicked off a new project creating four full time roles. PASC is embarking on a rejuvenation of the community starting with multipurpose accommodation. The Joint Employment Strategy (JES) between RISE and PASC, brokered by Leah Simmons, Area Manager has been established for 4 years and is still turning out great outcomes for the community.

We today, celebrated with 4 new Council employees prepared and trained by the RISE Team. We are especially proud of Hogan Shortjoe – who has joined Council in the first leadership role since the JES commenced.

Edward Natera CEO PASC says ‘Council has a joint employment strategy with RISE which aims to get community members back into meaningful & satisfying employment. We have employed 4 local workers within our w4q projects and they will transit to other on-going projects after the w4q project is completed. The flow-on effects will be that household will have a reasonable budget to live and work from without the stresses of not knowing where the next pay check will come from and build capacity and skill.‘

Marty Chambers WfD Coordinator ‘These countryman have dug in and proved themselves and taken every opportunity to work on themselves. We are really excited that these men will now role model work ethic for their kids and the rest of their mob’

The works commencing today will encompass demolition, refurbishment and fit-out of existing buildings. RISE hopes that beautification and traditional artwork will finalise this project