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Good News Stories

‘Sticks’ teaches Kowanyama locals the finer points of radio broadcasting & production.

By January 25, 2017December 1st, 2017No Comments

In conjunction with the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council, CDP provider RISE is providing opportunities for interested locals to learn and train to be radio hosts or get insights about the technical and production sides of the radio industry.

RISE and the council were extremely fortunate to have ‘Sticks’ an experienced radio broadcaster based in Pomparaw impart his knowledge on some keen prospective radio broadcasters and people interested in the production side of the radio industry.

‘Sticks’ aka John Holroyd, is a well-respected radio broadcaster and trainer and known through Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw for his talents in radio broadcasting.

Sticks is working closely with CDP participants in Kowanyama and broadcasting community announcements and training them in the use of the radio console.

Sticks said:  “It’s been good to work with the local community participants, training them in Radio Broadcasting, teaching them how to do community announcements and what buttons to press.”

His efforts are really appreciated by the participants who it is hoped will one day go on to have careers in the radio industry and or be part of the Kowanyama radio station in the future. Russell Kitchener (trainee) said: “it’s been good that Sticks has come over, it’s been two years since I have played with the panels, it has been a good experience and I appreciate RISE bringing Sticks over.”


End: For further enquiries please call Scott Longmuir on 0430 700 672