Our clients in Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw have been busy getting their Certificate II in Resource and Infrastructure.
We’ve run three courses in the past 2-months, with over 30 clients graduating with their certifications.
Some of these courses had training sessions over the weekend, showing the dedication of the participants.
We worked with Sebastian Hunter from CSTC, and Luke Amery and Murray Seaton from Affordable Industry Training to deliver the training.
The clients have walked away with the knowledge of how to:
- Communicate in the workplace
- Identify and assess environmental and heritage concerns
- Conduct local risk control
- Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
- Handle resources and infrastructure materials, and safely dispose of nontoxic materials
- Work safely at heights
- Operate a light vehicle
- Excavator ticket
These fundamental skills will kickstart their careers in the civil or mining sectors.
We’d like to thank local contractors like MMT and the Councils for supporting us through local venue and machine hire.
It takes a community to bring these courses together!