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Our job seeker still loving his job after two years

By April 3, 2020August 27th, 2020No Comments

Our job seeker still loving his job after two years – this is Alans story.

For many years Alan Holroyd’s goal for employment was to be the groundsman at the Safe House in Pormpuraaw, so when an opportunity arose Alan jumped at it. He got the job and started working there in April 2018 and has not looked back since. Alan works 3 hours per day, 3 days per week to keep the grounds at the safe house perfect for all the kids and staff that use the facility. Alan says he doesn’t have a favourite part of his job as he enjoys everything he does, which includes maintaining the grounds, weeding, keeping the shed neat and tidy, grass cutting, hedging and other landscaping tasks.

 Alan is still working amid the COVID-19 pandemic as the Safe House is an essential service in the community and as we are currently in wet season, grounds maintenance is necessary for safety of the children. Alan’s employer Bessi appreciates his efforts daily and was happy to be involved in the development of this story.

She said that: ‘I am glad I can be of help especially to Alan who loves his work here with us as a grounds person. It’s always a good feeling when I come to work when the place is looking good because we care about ‘our’ kids, and to look out for their well-being and seeing them play around in the back yard with their friends who want to ‘hang’ out with them at the safe house’

Besi continued to say that ‘Alan’s making that difference and making that his choice to come to work because he enjoys being at the safe house, even if it’s just three days for three hours! ‘

 Alan was provided with Post Placement Support by RISE Ventures for the first 26 weeks of his employment. We supplied some items for Alan in a starter kit and as he progressed in his employment continued to support him with items like personal protective equipment (PPE) and work shirts.

We also provided him with mentoring and support to declare his earnings to Centrelink and in creating work checklists.

Alan told us: “I love this job. This is a good place to work, it’s quiet and I like coming to the safe house for my work”.

#employmentgoals #makingadifference #communitypride