Kowanyama Farm Restoration Project

February 07, 2024


For the past 5-months, RISE Ventures has been working in partnership with the Abm Elgoring Ambung Aboriginal Corporation on the Kowanyama Farm Restoration Project.   

Located just outside of the Kowanyama township, the derelict farm presented the perfect opportunity to engage our clients in a substantial project with purpose.

Kowanyama Farm Restoration Project









We’ve employed 5 local men, led by Community Projects Coordinator Justin Lawrence, to prepare the farm for commercial operation and restore parts of it back to native Country.

So far, this capable team have cleared out the storage shed, burnt off long grass around the buildings and created a fire break, removed wire fencing across the property, and collected and disposed of large amounts of rubbish.









With the farm being currently inaccessible due to the wet season, the team have been cultivating plants in our garden nursery in town, ready for planting when the rains subside.

They will also put their welding skills to good use by manufacturing new steel farms gates.









The farm has become a valuable training ground where clients upskilled in groundworks, agriculture, landscaping and construction. This creates a ‘talent pool’ of local people to fill roles with Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council, maintenance businesses and landscape contractors.

Alongside work at the farm, the group has also supported the community by assisting with Sorry Business and funeral preparations, and worked with the Council to clean-up the town and remove rubbish.