Pormpuraaw community has welcomed the arrival of RISE Ventures mechanical bull. The idea for having a mechanical bull came from understanding the connection local people have had historically with the cattle industry and their love of country. By purchasing a mechanical bull we are able to provide an outlet for the community which fits with their interests and desires.
Using the mechanical bull as a reward for attendance of school students and Community Development Programme (CDP) participants we have already witnessed the excitement that this innovative idea will bring.
Pormpuraaw is focused on developing jobs, education and building a safer community. Engaging the community through the celebration of the Cattle industry brings them closer to realising their vision of a locally run cattle station.
There has been a void in participation and engagement on many levels – but the Rodeo brings this mob together. RISE mustered the resources and working with the Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council and Pormpuraaw State School have been able to steer this project along.
The still to be named Bull will debut at the Pormpuraaw Rodeo and three day festival and will seed economic opportunities to support other Cape York communities with their events.
We are privileged and proud to provide training and job search services to the community through the Community Development Programme.
Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council – CEO Edward Natera “The arrival of the mechanical bull will spark interest in community and it will be officially used in our planned 3 day event in September. It will also be used as an incentive to promote attendance at school and used within the CDP activities. Council wishes to thank the management of RISE and the continued support that we receive from lady Leah Simmons & Marty Chambers for their committed efforts, difficult & challenging as event may become on the ground”.